欢迎来到bc365游戏 STEM教育中心.

欢迎来到bc365游戏 STEM教育中心 on the campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Our mission is to improve Mathematics and Science Education in the Southeast Arkansas area through the implementation of programs which enhance the math 和我们的学生和老师的科学知识. 我们支持我们的目标 national, state and local math and science organizations which include: NCTM, NSTA, ACTM, ASTA, SEACTM和SEASTA.



Campus Life



《bc365游戏》 http://www.yourmechanic.com/article/a-kid-s-guide-to-mechanics-and-engineering-by-maddy-martin

Engineering is a science that involves creative thinking to solve problems or design inventions. Engineers usually use their imaginations to make new objects. These objects 可能会让人们的生活更轻松. 有时工程师工作的对象已经 存在是为了让他们变得更好. 工程师创建的对象示例包括 汽车引擎、电脑、桥梁、机器人和家具. 工程师需要有坚强的意志 设计发明的科学和数学技能. 工程包括很多不同的 things, and the people who work as engineers often feel strongly about helping people 让世界变得不同.

Biographical information on a scientist- Snowflake Bentley.   http://snowflakebentley.com/

Math and literacy plus games with the many links on this page: http://www.mathwire.com/seasonal/winter05.html


Introduce a different way of thinking to your classroom

  • 规划NGSS课程
  • Designing Units & Lessons
  • 选择材料
  • 进行评估


Engineering is Elementary supports educators and children with curricula and professional 发展工程素养



One of the nation's best resource for educational toys for kids and learning toys 为孩子们参与和娱乐. 无论你选择什么孩子的学习玩具,我们保证 that your children will learn—and have fun—while they play!


Better Lesson Website:

This site was founded by a group of teachers from Atlanta and Boston public schools to connect educators and help them create, organize and share their curricula. Free K12课程计划和资源


Newsela Website:

无限访问数百个级别 news articles and Common Core–aligned quizzes, with new articles every day


Great website!  检查其他课程:地球,物理等 http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/education/educational-resources/teacher-developed-lesson-plans/


Links to various resources for Rocks, Minerals, Pollution, Plate Tectonics, Glaciers, 土壤、能源等. etc.    http://webs.cmich.edu/resgi/


许多教师使用视频来加强教学.  电影教学有教学计划 对于数百个电影有用的所有内容领域.  会员费是每月一美元,但是 you might be able to talk your librarian into purchasing a subscription. 

查看十月天空的样本计划:   http://www.teachwithmovies.org/


This site contains links to various items related to the use of microscopes.  Check out the 显微镜底漆,一个可下载的显微镜使用指南 池塘生物鉴定工具包 (涉及初级框架), Pond Dip- a virtual pond with information about all the critters found there, MicScape a magazine devoted to microscopy plus over 2000 previously printed articles, and 链接到最好的显微图像画廊.  http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/full_menu.html


Dozens of links to materials useful when teaching about the nervous system for all levels.  很多低级的东西! http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/works.html 


Recent innovations in the field of microscopy include digital configurations that may be compatible with the needs of the primary/middle grades for demonstration purposes.  其中一个产品是 ProScope有时被称为“绳子上的瞄准镜”.  这台显微镜连在电脑上 can be used to capture video, time lapse, and stills of magnified objects.  It comes in several magnifications, is purported to be easy to use, and portable.

If you already have good quality microscopes at your school, a flexible camera can be attached to the ocular and interfaced with a television.  在做实验之前 work, magnified objects can be viewed by all students as the teacher points out specific 兴趣领域.  This is an excellent teaching tool when students are faced with trying to identify cells in various stages of mitosis, the difference between xylem and phloem in plants, or differentiating cells in any tissue etc. Flex摄像头也可以 be used to focus on the gross structure of larger objects i.e. 解剖器官 specimens. 

Paper Models

纸形几何模型 http://www.ss42.com/pt/fractle/fractle-fidgets.html 



高级教师- If these seem too simple to be used as review, use them as an introductory Formative Assessment before you begin a unit to find out how much your students remember from 以前的课程.



All Teachers:

PBS TeacherLine 现在开办WGBH/Teachers' s

领域专业发展课程 物理,生命,地球和空间科学 for elementary, middle, and high school educators, as a special collection within PBS TeacherLine.

You may be eligible for a complimentary PBS TeacherLine Course through the 阿肯色州的“现在就学习”倡议. 欲了解更多,请访问 http://ideas.aetn.org/ .

秋季国家课程于2007年10月24日星期三开始 , and courses in your local area may have additional start dates.

“Text Messaging”

你的学生,你的孩子,说一种新的语言…….…it’s called “Text Messaging”. 对我们很多人来说是这样

is completely incomprehensible, but it saves them time as they try to send quick messages 用他们手机上的小键盘. 我还没试过发短信 since I CRS(记不住东西) 和几年前一样容易 这太不公平了!). 如果我们想了解这一代人 PLU(像我们这样的人) 应该了解一下他们的“文化”. 这里有一个短信词典的链接, 也许你会发现它很有用.

I may try learning a little of it myself, just as soon as I can find the text messaging 我手机上的按钮.



Downloadable lessons on the state quarter series and other recently issued coins. These would work well for those of you teaching social studies in addition to science.


This requires simple items you have on hand, or can find at local businesses. Students from Middle School up can easily complete this DNA extraction activity and it works 与各种植物材料. .



Register online to participate in the NASA Engineering Design Challenge: Lunar Plant Growth Chamber. During the 2007-2008 school years K-12 students will design, analyze, build and assess plant growth chambers that could be used on the moon. Registrants will receive a packet of cinnamon basil seeds that flew on the STS-118 space shuttle mission and a control packet of seeds that have not flown. 这两套种子会 be used to evaluate the student-designed plant growth chamber. 报名参加美国宇航局 Express listserv to receive e-mail messages about the challenge, updates to the challenge Web site and announcements about NASA education activities.



Grant Title :有需要的学校竞争 Organization :知识冒险 Eligibility: K-8 schools

Value: 10个奖项,每个奖项12,000美元 Deadline 2007年12月15日 Contact:


The Schools in Need Competition will launch on July 1, and is open to schools that need to raise reading scores by at least 30 percent among a population of students K-8年级之间. Schools must also show a need to have supplemental reading materials that address specific reading deficiencies and to use the technological investments 学校为阅读教学做了准备. 获胜的学校将获得新的 Knowledge Adventure Academy line of products for early literacy, reading comprehension, 还有词汇,还有培训和支持.