Welcome to Nursing

Program start dates:

  • AAS在护理学位(LPN到RN)是5 = 1年的课程完成
  •  BSN degree is May = 4 year program completion
  • Accelerate BSN degree is June = 3 year program completion
  • BSN to MSN degree is June = 2-5 year program completion
  • RN to BSN degree is July = 1-2 year program completion
  • RN to MSN degree is July  = 3 to 7 year completion
  • 邮政硕士证书是8月或1月= 1年完成

护理学院提供的所有课程都由阿肯色州委员会批准 of Nursing. 毕业后,学生有资格参加全国理事会 注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)成为注册护士.


我们已采取措施确保学院网站内的信息 Nursing at the University of Arkansas is accurate and complete. However, due to constraining 可能需要改变的事件和/或情况,护理学院(SON) 学院保留修改本SON网站所载信息的权利 necessary.

School of Nursing Application

All undergraduate programs (AAS in Nursing and BSN) start in May.  The deadline to apply is March 1. 申请本科护理专业,请致电护理中心 department for an application at 870-460-1069.    Applicants to the Graduation Program (MSN)应点击“研究生学位信息”选项卡,完成MSN申请 link.

Admission Requirements

在申请AAS护理或BSN预许可计划之前,申请人 必须参加全国护理联盟(NLN)护理入学考试(NEX) score at or above the national reported mean. Information about the NEX is found on the NLN website.  考试成绩必须注明日期为2024年10月1日至2025年4月30日.  Applications 只要考试在4月30日之前完成,就会被录取. 复试之间有7天的等待期. Exam scores are only viable for two years. 

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree [pre-licensure]
学生必须成功完成所有的通识教育和护理支持 requirements before entering the nursing sequence. All applicants are required to:
1. Meet all University admission requirements;
2. Have a bc365游戏 cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher;
3. 提交一份由所有注册护理学院院长/主任出具的信誉良好的信函 programs that the student has ever attended;
5. 完成全国护理联盟护士入学考试(NEX) with a score at or above the national reported mean and;
6. 完成所有普通教育和护理支持要求,至少 a “C” or better grade AND maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better in both sets of requirements.

RN-BSN Advanced Placement Program
持有认可护理学校的副学士学位或护理文凭的注册护士 may apply for the RN to BSN Advanced Placement Program. RNs complete the same general 教育和支持性课程,作为学生参加执照前BSN计划 但要有明确的完成理论和临床护理课程要求的方案. 注册护士将获得33个学时的学分,直到成功为止 completion of the program. All clinical experiences are preceptored at approved facilities. 注册护士可以使用12个月的加速选项或24个月的加速选项来完成该计划 extended option. 注册护士申请人可能需要提供护理证明 技能能力通过书面和/或基于性能的测试,定义由 Arkansas Nursing Education Progression Model. All applicants are required to:
1. Meet all University admission requirements;
2. Have a bc365游戏 cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher;
3. 完成所有通识教育和支持性要求,成绩达到“C” or better AND maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better in both sets of requirements;
4. 提交当前或最近的注册护士主管的推荐信;
5. 拥有并保持目前未受阻碍的阿肯色州注册护士执照(或紧凑的多州? tag); and
6. 提交一份由所有注册护理学院院长/主任出具的信誉良好的信函 BSN programs ever attended.

NOTE申请进阶护理课程的申请人应 meet with the School of Nursing dean. Candidates for this degree must complete 30 hours of coursework at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
National Park College RN to BSN Program
国家公园学院(NPC)和bc365游戏合作推出了理学学士学位 in Nursing degree to NPC.  All four years of the BSN degree are offered on the NPC campus. 有资格参加该计划的学生必须从NPC获得注册护士学位,然后 enroll in the RN to BSN program.
Admission Requirements:
1. Must complete requirements necessary for bc365游戏 general admission.
2. 在NPC获得护理学副学士学位,至少2分.00 cumulative 通识教育课程平均成绩,至少2分.00 cumulative grade points average in all nursing courses.
3. 在参加第一门课程之前,持有阿肯色州或紧凑州的注册护士执照 in July.
LPN-RN Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Nursing Degree
学生必须是有执照的LPN才有资格参加AAS护理课程. The 学生必须成功完成所有通识教育和护理支持要求 before entering the nursing sequence. All applicants are required to:
1. Meet all University admission requirements;
2. Have a bc365游戏 cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher;
3. 完成所有通识教育和支持性要求,成绩达到“C” or better AND maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better in each category of requirements;
4. 提交学生当前或最近的注册护士的推荐信 supervisor;
5. 拥有当前未受阻碍的阿肯色州LPN许可证(或紧凑的多州标签);
6. 提交一份由所有注册护理学院院长/主任出具的信誉良好的信函 programs that the student has ever attended;
7. 根据bc365游戏学位途径或证明的ACT或SAT总综合分数 在过去三年的申请期内,累积了5,500个执业时数. Proof of LPN practice 工作时间必须以申请人雇主人力资源部的信件形式提供 department. 这封信必须用雇主抬头的信纸,并注明联系人姓名和电话 number listed for verification.
8. 完成全国护理联盟护士入学考试(NEX) with a score at or above the national reported mean.
Accelerate pre-licensure BSN track
加速课程允许获得18个大学学分的新生入学 BSN学位的一般/辅助课程,以加速他们的学位和完成 六个学期,两个夏季学期和八个学期,一个夏季学期. Students 有资格获得加速课程的ACT综合成绩必须达到22分或模棱两可 SAT成绩,并完成(成绩为C或更高)或获得大学先修课程 credit for Composition 1 and Composition 2. Students eligible for this track must 在刚开始的时候,在受人尊敬的实验室注册解剖学和生理学I和II summer terms after high school graduation.

Ranking of Students for Admission
学生的排名基于ACT或SAT成绩、NLN NEX考试成绩和gpa. The  NEX考试成绩必须在考试时间内达到全国平均水平. Applicant gpa的计算只使用通识教育和护理支持要求 completed at the time of application. Students must complete all outstanding coursework 在春季学期结束前成绩达到或超过C的学生才会被考虑 admission. RN-BSN申请者可获得9个学分的优秀课程; 然而,在开始护理程序之前完成所有课程是非常重要的 suggested.

Contact Information


Main Office: 870-460-1069
Fax: 870-460-1969

Mailing Address

University of Arkansas at Monticello
School of Nursing
P.O. Box 3606
Monticello, Arkansas  71656

Physical Address

Sorrells Hall
124 University Place
Monticello, Arkansas 71656



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